Club Josh / Home Life / Technology

One Month Left

Last weekend, I headed off to Phoenix for one last visit to the relatives before I depart on my big adventure. I’ve got about one month left before moving away and the trip was a combination of seeing people as well as dropping off some important items that I did not want to put into storage.

Daniel and I had a good time, despite me having to work on Friday at the last minute. I was still out of there by 11 and by the time we packed the car and had lunch we were on our way at 130. Thankfully we didn’t get caught in too much traffic on our way out of town. We made good time and pulled up in Phoenix just after 7pm. As I was driving, I was trying to think of how many times I’ve actually driven the route from LA to Phoenix and just how much it has changed. I remember one of the first times post 1999 when I moved back to LA that it seemed like forever to get to Phoenix. Now it doesn’t seem that far – partially due to the urban sprawl over the last 15 years, but also due to the fact I mentally divide the trip between 100 mile segments.

Saturday we went to Sedona, AZ – sort of a last minute field trip. It was nice to go for a 2 hour drive and see a part of Arizona I haven’t been to yet. My nephew was along for the ride and I hope he enjoyed it as well. Around dinner, we met up with my Aunt and Uncle which was a nice surprise to say goodbye before my departure.

Sunday I finally was able to set up my new laptop! The first Club Josh laptop since my Dell I purchased in 2005! Ten Years, man a lot of technology has changed since then. I got it because I could not lug my 24″ iMac overseas and I was due for an upgrade. When I was younger I updated technology at a much faster rate, but in my old age I guess I am not as prone to be an early adopter. But so far, the new computer is so much faster and I’ve got one month left to put it through the paces to make sure that I have gotten all my programs and links ready to go.

The only issue I had was that it took me a long time to figure out why my iTunes wouldn’t see where my music was on my external drive, but it turns out there are configuration files you need to migrate as well. Consider it a pro tip. Oh and Google Searches of tech problems is the best thing ever. There has yet to be something I haven’t been able to resolve thanks to the net. My 1995 self is so jealous.

That’s it for now. Unfortunately I have fallen way off the update a day wagon and with my schedule it looks like it will wait until June to re-start once I am in my new place.

Josh – where are you going??? Don’t worry I still will write up a complete saga of where I am going soon!