Temporarily Down
The PDA site is down as it is converted to the new “Club Josh Lite” version
June 30, 2006The PDA site is down as it is converted to the new “Club Josh Lite” version
June 30, 2006Completely revised the Daily Update PDA Archives. They are now powered by Movable Type. I still need to add some new navigation to the pages, but at least they are where they should have been over a year ago.
September 10, 2003I added an extra page to the archive section of the Daily Update. I split the archive into years so when you land on the index page, you get a list of years. Click on a year and you get the months that are available for that year. I figured…
January 4, 2002Added trip diary for French Polynesia to PDA site. It can be downloadedvia AvantGo off of the Take Club Josh With You and the FP Trip DiaryIndex page
July 11, 2001You can now download sections of the PDA site instead of the whole thing. Due to the growth of the Daily Update, the PDA download for Club Josh has gotten to the point where it needed to be broken up. You can get a list of all the ones available…
April 20, 2001Instead of just one link on the homepage and a few others scattered about, Club Josh users can now select which channel they want for their PDAs. The main download is becoming so huge that older PDA’s can’t hold the whole thing. Those of you with 8MB Visors or Pocket…
April 20, 2001I finally realized that the December 2000 archive was not yet posted onthe PDA site. Man, I need a content management solution. It’s up therenow.
December 28, 2000The PDA site is now almost 400k with all the text and graphics. Thus, I figured out why the sync process was skipping sections. When the sync reaches the Max size limit (originally 100k) it just stops. I updated the link on the homepage to max the buffer at 400k.…
December 4, 2000This section contains a list of my Jarre collection as well as links to the cover images. There seem to be a few sync problems. Sometime when I sync the site certain pages are unavailable. I’ll pass on what the deal is when I figure it out.
November 30, 2000