Celebrity / Club Josh

Big Boy

Tonight’s big excursion was to the famous Bob’s Big Boy on Riverside Drive. We try to get there once in awhile, since Bob’s played an important role as chef during my childhood. While I was waiting for Gina to ring me up at the register, I asked her if she had seen David Lynch. I know David frequents this particular Bob’s since he had a recent contest on to have lunch with him at the Riverside Bob’s. Gina told me that she sees him all the time, and that according to the waitresses, he is no Drew Carey (another frequent Bob’s patron) when it comes to tipping. This is the same Bob’s that I once saw Fred Willard dining, and given its close proximity to NBC, Warner Brothers, and Disney, I am sure other celebs are there often. I would love to catch David Lynch in Bob’s though. I’d even buy him a milkshake.

I am really keen (yes people still use that word) on the idea of moving the Daily Update and other sections of Club Josh into Moveable Type. Dan seems to like it for his blog, and it seems pretty easy to manage. I just need to make sure that I will still be able to produce the Cell Phone and PDA versions of the Daily Update. I know it all will have to do with my Style Sheets and such, I just need to determine if it is really any better than my current system, or if it is even easier to maintain, and might enable me to publish my Tellme site again.