Club Josh / Disney

Dull as Dishwater

Apparently, this month is destined to be the month of anemic update entries. I am not sure why it has been slow. I think part of it is the lack of anything exciting or interesting to say (not that any of the entries are really that exciting to more than 5 or 6 of you out there). What can I do? August has been a dull-as-dishwater month. Another factor is that I have been busy with some freelance web design work. And sadly, when I am working on other web sites, time at clubjosh is reduced to a minimum.

In the good news/bad news department, summer season at the park is coming to a close this week. Those of you out there wanting to ride the Matterhorn had better hurry since it closes on Tuesday for two months as they finally fix the elevator. Personally, I like having to have guests hike down the mountain when they get stuck, but I’m sure Tinker Bell will like not having to climb all those ladders. With the closing of the mountain, it means I am back on the Routes – whee. It will be a nice change of pace, and maybe if I am super lucky, they will give me something else to do as well. The park will be closing at 8pm again during the week, so it will mean more time at home – woo hoo!