Sunday is the 25th anniversary and I have spent the last couple 100 days or so working behind the scenes on the Trip Diaries and photos getting ready. The new TD site is already live as is the re-themed What’s New section. When I use the template for something without photos its really bland, but then again I do not really expect people to be using the What’s New section – its really for me. I hope no one fell out of their chair when the Japan Oct 2004 Trip Diary went live!
I did struggle with burnout since this is really my full time job for the time being so I had to break up what I was working on and go down a rabbit hole doing something else. It does mean I won’t finish all of the new Trip Diaries that I want to before Sunday, but completing 5 of them with all the photos was no easy task.
Another thing that I didn’t get around to is the new content for the main blog, but hopefully once the new site template is up, I can go back to adding normal content.
Over the next few days I will roll out the new template for the site and then keep tweaking it. You might see several different looks between now and then so bear with me.