Club Josh / Web Related

Club Josh: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Spectacular

It’s finally here. After three months of intensive focus, the all-new Club Josh is live. As posted in the What’s New blog, here area all the changes I have made since March:

  • Added 19 Gorn Photos
  • Fixed the page layouts and paragraph spacing of all entries of Daily Update, Trip Diaries, and What’s New
  • Fixed all the old Instagram links that were broken
  • Removed most of the Flickr Links (the rest should be done shortly)
  • Added photos to all of the Trip Diaries
  • Added new Trip Diaries: Japan October 2004, Utah 2013, Asia 2015, Japan 2017, and Caribbean Cruise 2017
  • Uploaded new templates for Trip Diaries, What’s New and Main Site
  • Refreshed the Jarrepalooza Page
  • Updated Club House text

I am particularly happy that I was able to touch every section of the site, even if I didn’t completely refresh things like the Gorn Page and sub pages of Jarrepalooza. I also have a comprehensive list of things left to do, and I hope I can knock them out over the next few weeks. Hopefully if you have found your way here for the anniversary, you will stick around for a bit.

I also plan on getting back to my self-isolation media catch-ups as well as some general blog posts that I have been noodling in the background when I lose focus of the task at hand. I am also hoping that my renewed focus will carry momentum to October which is the 20th anniversary of my (not-so) Daily Update section.

As always, I am ever thankful to the long list of family, friends, and co-workers who have helped me over the years with the development of this site and encouragement when I needed it.