Gorn / Web Edition

v18.0: New Gorn Gallery

Finally added gallery for 1999 Europe pics from Sweden. I noticed that the sizes of the photos are painfully small compared to the ones from WDW and other places. Looking back, it was the first time I used the Photoshop gallery function. I think I will go back and resize all the photos. The good part is that I do not have to update any of the HTML since Photoshop does not include the height and width tags (a mixed blessing really).

I also added a Yellow 26 index page with the t-shirt logo from that party. I am hoping to scan some photos from that party and the 1999 AV Days to fill in the gaps. I also think I am going to launch a redesign of the Gorn page and also the addition of tons of new photos. Of course with no DSL, it could be a lengthy process!