Web Edition

v24.2 – New Home Page for the 14th Anniversary

I finally pushed the new home page for the 14th Anniversary. It actually got pushed a two days late, but I was having some HTML validation issues. Since some of the code on the page is pushing 8 years old, I tried to refresh it to make it at least HTML 4. I probably still have some validation issues, but most are gone according to the Dreamweaver validator.

I am still not happy with the spacing of the Twitter posts – it looks to close to me and is a bit difficult to read. I am tinkering with it and trying to find a good example of how to space the entries out more, but that involves some more learning and time and effort. I hope to have it fixed soon!

I originally wanted a new Trip Diaries page to launch at the same time, but it is proving to tough with my current schedule to devote any reasonable time to work on it. Perhaps I should give myself a year to completely re-do the entire site??

I also updated the Evolution page!