
Crunch Time

It is getting to that point where all bets are off and everyone is scrambling to get to the finish line. In the last week I think I have worked more hours than I can remember. For two days last week I was starting work at 3:30 am so that we can get work done before anyone else gets there. I have another shift like that this week, but it is not too bad. Next weekend, I have the entire weekend off for the first time in weeks. I will spend it sleeping and getting some well deserved R&R. I do want to do a mini-getaway (Picnic Day is this weekend) but I doubt I will be able to get too far away.

Despite it being the home stretch there is still so much left to do and I hope I can keep my health and sanity going because I would hate to fall apart at the last minute. Despite it all I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

I still have to do my taxes – when I used to get refunds, I would do them early on in February. Now that I am in the owe the government phase, I wait until the last minute. I really need to get them professionally done so I can see if I can get some money back. Oh well maybe next year.

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